Celebrating “The End of the World” with Gypsy Zen
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 08:54AM
BVD in Arles, Commentary, Ephemera, Gypsy Zen, Twilight, William Van Doren, apocalypse


I’m honored that Gypsy Zen in the south of France has selected my November 28th twilight painting to publicize a very special way of observing the “end of the world” on December 21st. They’ll be having tea, dancing to flamenco guitars, and meditating on personal renewal, in a yurt on a farm in the Camargue, outside Arles. Gypsy Zen apparently is more than just a name, as their host is from the Romani people and studied with the Dalai Lama. If you’re in the area, drop in, and stay – til the end of the evening, or of the world, whichever comes first!


Article originally appeared on The Very Rich Hours (http://www.theveryrichhours.com/).
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