Federal Hill (Part 2)
In midafternoon (May 29th) I tried to sketch the thunderstorms passing over the city.
Baltimore. Prismacolor crayon in Moleskine notebook, 3.5 x 5.5.“Prussian white” was my code for a particular kind of bad-weather cloud, a steely whitish blue that you see in front of storms.
Then I tried the sky again, on the lower part (righthand page) of the opened notebook, but it was the first time this year I’ve really seen such towering thunderheads – and a startling cove of clear blue opened way above my head. So the sketch had to annex the adjoining page.
The faint horizontal element all the way down in the lower left is a bank of lights at Camden Yards, aka Orioles Park.
Baltimore. Prismacolor crayon and watercolor pencil in Moleskine notebook, 7 x 5.5.