Thunderhead in the South
Pencil and Prismacolor crayon in Moleskine notebook, 8 x 10.25.
This was another case, as happened in one of the entries from Baltimore’s Federal Hill in May, where I started sketching on a righthand page but had to annex the back of a previous sketch. Also another occasion where I needed to work quickly to avoid annoying Flint the foxhound, to maintain the delicate sense of collaboration that gives us some control over him when he’s running off leash.
This view is toward the Southwest Mountains. I’m happy to say that I violated at least one and perhaps as many as three of the precepts laid down by John Torreano in his aggravating, rather overweening book Drawing By Seeing. I thought the book might be good for my little art classes, but it took my 11-year-old student Willa Lin to show me that it was simply too doctrinaire. She dismissed the book out of hand in less than one minute!