Lakshmi Danis (Age 11) – “Untitled”
Lakshmi Danis. Untitled. Acrylic on canvas, 10 x 10.Lakshmi has a streak of fearlessness that can be almost intimidating. Sometimes she’ll appear to be in a hesitant, uncertain mood, lacking confidence, and then – without apparent transition – an idea or impulse will come to her and the rest is wonderful art.
As you can perhaps tell from the photo, the paint here has a lot of texture – the paint circles are dimpled in an impasto on the surface. For a child’s first or second acrylic painting ever, this strikes me as amazing.
Lakshmi does also do figurative art, almost always with a theme or a storyline, and these are usually very personal, as if they’ve come unfiltered out of her unconscious mind. Mohan, her fraternal twin, has commented that his sister’s art tends to be “fantasy” – based on imagination. And so it is.