Mohan Danis (Age 10) – “New York City”
Mohan Danis. New York City. Pencil on paper, 5.5 x 7.75.I never really quite got over this drawing, one of the first things I ever saw from Mohan. It wasn’t just the wild windows and building shapes and names, and the made-up phone number, or the corner of a sandwich in the sign for the restaurant. Or the wonderfully cratered moon, or the height of the buildings indicated by their reaching through the clouds. Nor was it the apparatus atop the building on the right, which in many later drawings Mohan expanded into a whole series of gizmos, new ways of generating power and new media of communication.
No, more than all of this it was Mohan’s ability to express in such a small area and with so few objects the feeling of the specific space, the peculiar density of New York City. I recognized it immediately – after all, I lived there.
But Mohan? He’s never been there!